In going through a transformation, this is some valuable information that was shared by a coach of mine.

  • Fire up your transformation with a grand gesture. Perception matters. Get ready for war. Make a promise, make an announcement, set a date and start. Use your emotions - angry, sad, disgusted. They are your fuel. Use them for strength and intensity.

  • Overthinking, corrosive habits, negativity and chaos are demonic. They live in your subconscious and are vile and manipulative. They want you to fail. They torment you because you are inattentive. Confront your demons and understand you need to overpower them.

  • Write down all the demons you fight. Every single pitfall. Health, finances and relationships - evaluate all aspects and find out what you are lacking and where. Be ruthless, don’t sugarcoat. This will lay the foundations for your action plan. Bare naked truth.

  • Transformation is not about willpower or motivation. It is applied science. Your first order of business is to fix your brain chemistry especially bringing back dopamine levels to baseline

  • Bringing your dopamine levels to baseline will fire up your innate drive and desire to conquer. Hyper-stimulation has led you to become a shell of your true self. You will never amount to much like this. You need to function at full potency.

  • Delayed gratification. This is what you will embrace. Do more of things that will require you to pay the price of effort now, to give you results later. It is a grind but you have to crawl through the trenches. Success never comes if you’re always on the bench. Obsession is key

  • Your Gut is your second brain. Any inflammation & irregularity here will directly impact your neural functioning through the gut-brain axis. You need to fix this next. Follow a strict low inflammation diet, eat protein, cut out junk food and seed oils, eliminate sugar

  • How do I break my habits? You become aware of when you are hit with triggers, you design a systematic life that addresses your triggers and you practice strict abstinence to let your brain recover with neuroplasticity. Do this for 12 weeks and you will be better.

  • Redirection. Darkness is the absence of light. To fight your demons, you need light to penetrate your soul. Go on a quest to find what sets your spirit ablaze with passion. Your Lightbringer. Religion, fitness, education, business. Anything to get you out of your head & working.

  • To have stability in life you need stable goals. To be consistent you need to consistently work for something. You cannot float around doing bits and hope for rigidity. This will fail. Have a goal and consistently work towards it. This will keep you accountable.

  • Start small and progressive overload. As with all things start small, pick one habit, start with minimum weights, one line of code, one page of writing, one mile a day.. and keep adding to it every day. Never take a step back. Always progressively loading on what you have.

  • Remember, You are trapped in habits and lifestyles that corrupt you, eat into your sanity and leave you a shallow withering husk of your true self. Where is your sense of adventure? Have you no dignity? Brother, few will truly care and love you. For them, You must awaken.